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CBE 1996 - 97 Calendar of Events
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requests to the CBE
Chicago Baroque Ensemble concerts often sell out-
guarantee your seats and save by subscribing in advance.
Chicago Baroque Ensemble - John Mark Rozendaal, Artistic Director


Friday, May 24, 8:00 P. M.
Quintets of Padre Antonio Soler with David Schrader, harpsichord;
Church of the Ascension, 1133 N. La Salle, Chicago.
This program is presented in cooperation with Cedille Records.
A $10 donation is requested. For more information, call (312)274-2528.

Saturday, June 29, 7:30 P. M.
Chicago Baroque Ensemble with Linda Dayiantis-Straub, soprano;
presented by the Green Lake Festival of Music at the Wayland Academy Chapel,
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. For more information, call (414)748-9398.

Saturday, October 19, 8:00 P. M. St. Giles Church, 3025 Walters Avenue, Northbrook
Sunday, October 20, 3:00 P. M. St. Clement's Church, 624 W. Deming Place, Chicago
Membra Jesu Nostri: His Majesties Clerkes, Chicago Baroque
Ensemble, and David Schrader perform works of Sweelinck and Buxtehude.
For more information, call (312)461-0723.


Sunday, January 5, 4:00 P. M.Michigan Shores Club, 911 N. Michigan, Wilmette
Monday, January 6, 6:00 P. M. Union League Club, 65 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago
Jauchzet!; Music for the holiday season by J. S. Bach and his forbears;
with Christine Brandes, soprano, and Robert Rieder, trumpet.
A Chicago Baroque Ensemble Subscription Program

Sunday, February 23, 4:00 P. M.Michigan Shores Club, 911 N. Michigan, Wilmette
Monday, February 24, 6:00 P. M. Union League Club, 65 W. Jackson Boulevard, ChicagoApotheose de Lully; Theater music from the court of the Sun King;
with soprano Patrice Michaels Bedi.
A Chicago Baroque Ensemble Subscription Program.

Sunday, April 6, 4:00 P. M.Michigan Shores Club, 911 N. Michigan, Wilmette
Monday, April 7, 6:00 P. M. Union League Club, 65 W. Jackson Boulevard, ChicagoConcerto Night. J. S. Bach's Triple Concerto in in a-minor,
featuring CBE members Christopher Verrette, violin, Anita Miller-Rieder, flute, and
David Schrader, harpsichord. A Chicago Baroque Ensemble Subscription

Sunday, May 4, 3:00 P. M.Mandel Hall, University of ChicagoJ. S. Bach: Magnificat;
performed by Chicago Baroque Ensemble, His Majestie's Clerkes,
and The Newberry Consort; presented by the Howard
Mayer Brown Early Music Series.
For more information, call (312)702-8068.
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